Cleanup: Day Z

This weekend was the final straw.  After a few weeks of slowly disposing the excess leftovers from the move-out, I decided to clear it all out at once.  There isn’t any reason I couldn’t do it other than a desire to be kind to my garbage folks.  But I made the move, and 10 large contractor trash bags were piled up on my curb, in addition to my normal garbage bin.  It wiped me out.

The result was pretty dramatic.  About a quarter of my garage space has opened up.  I’ll spend a little bit organizing the recently-formed clutter of rehab supplies, like paint, paint supplies, sawhorses, tools, hardware and then the future dream of returning the garage to a garage can start to form.  In the meantime, I can bring in some of the more environmentally sensitive items from the shed, like ladders.  I’ll need them for painting, anyway.

I still have a couple more items that I’m not sure what to do with.  There are a couple of entertainment centers from when the garage used to be a media room.  They’re broken down right now to save space, but maybe I need to reassemble them and take them to a thrift store.  I also have some old parts for my car that could probably be sold off that could clear out a shelf or two.

But the end result of this is good; I’m happy, and that’s the primary goal here.  Thanks and apologies to the garbage crew.