Pool Refinishing Progress – Stage 1

I was told when I paid my down payment on the pool refinishing that I would have the leak inspector check the pool out, then they would begin work.  I spoke to the leak people, who scheduled me for the next Monday and prepared me for the cost of the service, almost $300.  Sure, whatever, it has to be done, right?  And before they get there, they want the pool clear, in case they need to go underwater to inspect.

Well, I guess it didn’t need to be done?  I got a text the next day that they were going to begin work on the pool right away.  I explained that I was scheduled for leak detection the next week.  They said, don’t worry about it.  I said I would have to shock the pool immediately if they needed it clear.  They said don’t bother. Ok, then.

The day after that, I got a phone call saying the crew was on-site, but they couldn’t get in.  I was confused.  The screen doors are unlocked.  I was suspicious they were at the wrong house.  The guy said he’d tell the crew to try harder and get back to me.  When he called back, he explained that they could get at the pool, but they couldn’t find any power outlets.  They were trying to get into my lanai to get to the outlet.  I said, no, that’s my house.  Why would that be unlocked?  So I directed them to an outlet by the pool mechanicals.  Right on.  Good to go.

The crew was there to grind down the marcite around the tile and the returns and the drains, where it was going to be thicker, or because it needed a strong edge.  Something like that.  When I got home that night, the crew was gone, as was all the water from my pool.


You can see the condition I left the pool in for them.  It didn’t really matter because the whole thing would be acid washed as part of the prep.  But it did stink.

The pool light has been yanked out, so hopefully an evaluation can be made as to what replacement I can have installed and how much the new light will cost.